»Message from the Saints – Carved Sacral Art from Five Centuries«
The centerpiece in this exhibition is the completely preserved late-Gothic wing retable (around 1520) from Pappendorf. The typical late-Gothic retable consists of a fixed main panel and two movable side wings, opened only on Sundays and church holidays. Panel painting of the Passion of Christ decorate it on the outside, Further sculptures of religious motifs can be seen in the Castle Chapel and in the Vaulted Archive.
»A symbol of power carved in stone«
Our modern and family-friendly permanent exhibition tells of the almost 1000 years of Mildenstein Castle’s history. Frieder Berg – a lovable tower – makes the exhibition interactive and, above all, exciting for children. Since 2010, there has also been an operational medieval black kitchen waiting to be visited. Exclusive special event tours supplement our permanent exhibition.
»Captured – Tortured – Executed«
In 1504, a prison was mentioned at Mildenstein Castle for the first time. Until 1953, prisoners had to serve their terms or were detained there before their trials. Our exhibition »Captured – Tortured – Executed« reports on the historical change in penal correction, from torture to custodial sentence, illustrated by authentic exhibits.
»Leisnig – Ex Officio«
In the 15th century, a margravial office had many duties: collection of taxes, providing protective escort and collection of duties, management of the office district, including the respective proprietors, exercising the judiciary and organizing service in warfare. These tasks could only be accomplished with the help of employed people – public officials. Visit Tax Collector Matthaeus Horn (1563-1637) at his office and learn more about the history of the margravial Leisnig office in the Front Castle.
Mildenstein Castle
Burglehn 6 | 04703 Leisnig
Property of State Palaces, Castles and Gardens of Saxony, non profit
+49 (0) 34321 6256-0